I suffer from a distinctive lack of attention. The minute I see something new and shiny, then I'm off to look at it going.... "ooooh, I want."
This has led to a ton of abandoned projects over the years. I used to write almost every day. I wasn't the most original person or the best writer, but for my audience of my wife, I managed to make her smile and enjoy herself. (And she isn't afraid to criticise where it's due).
Now what I'm doing here (that would be the blogging thing, do pay attention) isn't new for me. I've done it multiple times over the past few years. But my brain clicked over into the ooooh.... do that, go on you know you want to.
I've been posting on Twitter a fair bit recently and I think that today's very quick, very rewarding exchange of information and ideas may have been the cause of this. I don't expect to have much of a following on this blog, but at least the few people who deign to follow me on Twitter will get to know when I've posted.
I'm looking at this thing as a impetus to get back to writing. I make no promises, allusions or demands on myself (probably because that would detract from the "ooooh shiny" of what I'm doing now, but it's the general, vague, completely unspoken plan. (I typed it. That means I've got to do it now. Damn.)
So why post now?
I got introspective. I saw an image today and liked it. It made me go. I want that (and thanks for giving it to me. You know who you are).
But it's not an image that I would ever have imagined liking a few years ago. I'm not quite sure why that is. We all change sure, but it's actually becoming aware of said change that leaves me feeling different.
Generally, I'm the same person. I love sci-fi. I love epic, complicated stories that are complimented by a good soundtrack (whether it be movie, or just the perfect timing of a track clicking over as I'm reading a good part). But there's more subtle blends there.
I like to think it's due to the people I meet. I'm not a very social animal (says the man blogging and twittering) and I don't think that's going to change. But there are those who get in there, who have similar, if slightly different interests (or even completely opposite ones!) and it changes you. Subtly at first, but then you find yourself being different.
So whilst I'm no longer the person I was a few years ago, I'm fairly happy with who I am. I'll still be me, even if I'm not me any more. (The Doctor Forever track hit it's crescendo there while I typed this. If that's not perfect dramatic timing, I don't know what is!)
Can I just say thank you to those who have made me who I am? My loving wife, without whom I would be nothing. My far-away friend who isn't around us much these days, but I still can't imagine my life without him. And that other person who changed me in more ways (subtle ones) than one (I love the phone!).
As you can probably tell, I'm still not comfortable giving out too many details of my life here, but those who need to know who they are probably already do.
Thanks for reading. Feel free to drop by any time.
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